How To Impress The Hiring Manager
Are you currently on a search to find a new job? If you are, you may be preparing yourself for upcoming job interviews. Although you should focus on a good percentage of your time on mastering the interview at hand, you may also want to examine your actions and what...
How To Get Referrals From Warm Contacts
You may find it hard to use networking to find a job if you can't rely on your warm contacts to give you the information you need. At times, you would have to ask your warm contacts to refer you to at least two people that they know who will be able to give you the...
How To Deal With A Difficult Boss
Most people, at some point in their lives, have to deal with a demanding boss. Difficult supervisors vary in personality from being a little pushy or rude, all the way to being downright abusive. Many people feel that an abusive boss has control of their personal life...
Jobs And The Hidden Job Market
Another day of job hunting lies ahead of you. You pour a cup of coffee and open the paper to the employment section. With a mixture of anticipation and desperation, you pick up a stub of pencil and prepare to target and identify some possible job opportunities....
Tips For Those Experiencing Depression
Postpartum depression is a condition that many new mothers face after giving birth. You would think that having a new baby would be the most joyous occasion in the world, but for some new moms, it's not. A rapid change in hormones can cause women to become severely...
Being Fired Answers
Being fired is severe enough in itself. Couple that with the fact that you often have to discuss why you left your previous company in job interviews, and it often feels like adding insult to injury. While it's perfectly normal to be frustrated with this situation,...
The Psychometric Profile — A Useful Recruitment Tool?
Personality profiling is increasingly used by employers to assess potential employees. In an article that appeared in The London Times, the British Market Research Bureau stated that "Nearly three-quarters of UK companies now rely on psychometric profiling when...
Job Search Marketing Strategies
The majority of job seekers looking for a job on online job sites or through internal postings. Researchers tell us that at least 85 percent of employers never advertise available positions with the company. These make up the hidden job market. Here are some creative...
Establishing Job Targets
Now you're ready to identify your job goals based on your analysis of your needs, interests, likes, dislikes and transferable skills. Make a list of employers whom you want to target. These will be employers who are likely to employ people with your skills and whose...
Types of Job Interviews
You will need to prepare for questions asked by the interviewer. There is a comprehensive set of queries usually requested in most of the interviews. These questions are of seven types, which include open questions, closed questions, hypothetical questions, leading...
Your Situation And Characteristics
Because the job market has become increasingly competitive, employers can select their candidates from pools of highly educated, skilled employees. If your level of education does not make you a competitive candidate, the impact of the layoff will be different for you...
Choosing Your Options
Volunteering Volunteering may be the shortest and most direct way to paid employment. A bonus is that many organizations offer some training for the jobs where you volunteer. Most of the skills you learn in such training are the skills you need for a successful...
What’s Out there
Trends The nature of work and the employer/employee relationship have been changing dramatically as a result of global competition, trade agreements, taxes, technology and sociological factors. The result: business closures, downsizing, acquisitions, mergers and...
Achieving Your Job Target
You've taken a close look at what you have to offer. The next step is to determine what you're seeking. Doing this will help you to job target or zero in on particular fields of work. Likes and DislikesBased on your employment and life experiences to date, make a list...
Electronic Work Search Strategies
The world has gone "high tech" and increasingly so will your work search. The internet and other electronic resources can help you to plan your career and find work. But unless you're in a high-tech line of work, think of your electronic work search as one of the ways...
How To Beat The Computer Blues
Many older workers must learn their jobs all over again when computer-based technologies come into the workplace. Others who have lost their employment must improve their computer know-how to get another position. Studies show that no one is too old to learn how to...
Technical Skills
Make another list of all of the other skills you've developed throughout life-- not just in paid employment. These might include: Operating a cash register when working part-time at a supermarketcomputer skills or word/data processing skills learned in school, on the...
What You Have To Offer
The most critical element in the job search is self-esteem. What you think about yourself affects how you feel about yourself and shapes your expectations. Your behaviour follows. If you think you can't succeed ("no one will want me because I let go. You might feel...