Much of the anxiety associated with the interview stage has to do with fear of the unknown. Who will be there? What will they ask? There is a perception that the interviewer has all the power, but this is not necessarily true. It is empowering for you to have your plan. Regardless of the skill of the interviewer, preparation and clear purpose will help you create the opportunity to say what you need to.
To plan your job search agenda, consider:
What critical knowledge, skills and abilities do you have to offer?
How do your education and experience relate to the employer’s needs?
How do your value system and your needs match the demands of the job and the nature of the organization?
What track record do you have in achieving results, contributing to favourable outcomes, enhancing a group’s effectiveness?
When you outline your job search schedule, you significantly increase your potential for success because you’re clear about your purpose, and most employers look for confident candidates.
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