How To Build A Winning Proposal
Remember that a proposal, like a resume and cover letter, is an opportunity to market your skills and make a good impression. Review the checklist for writing a covering letter and apply the same criteria to writing your proposal. Deliver your proposal by mail,...
Tap Into The Hidden Job Market
If you're currently in the job market, here's the little-known secret to tapping into the most lucrative, yet hidden jobs available. Even in this economy, there are still millions of great jobs out there. It's just that many of the best ones never make their way to...
How To Increase Your Chances of A work Promotion
How To Increase Your Chance Of Promotion At Work Job promotions are not something that happens all of a sudden. Getting promoted is not only about your growth, but it is equally proportional to the benefits an organization expects you to deliver for them. In short to...
Entrepreneurial Personality
Do you have what it takes to be an entrepreneur? Here is a checklist that you can use to determine if you possess (at least some of) the ideal qualities that successful entrepreneurs possess. Not everyone can be an entrepreneur. A person who decides to start his or...
Why Work?
Ask that question of most people, and they'll reply-- so I can eat or pay the rent. When asked what they would do if they won the lottery or had more money than wanted or needed, a surprisingly high number say they would continue working-- not necessarily full-time or...
Job Search Tips
If you're not sure what to do, here's a list that might help. Know thyself. Identify what interests and excites you. Understand that these traits define you and use them to explore career choices and opportunities. Take a career assessment test. There are a lot of...
Trouble-Free Work-Searching Guide
Searching for the perfect job takes time, effort and knowledge. For hassle-free job hunting, every individual must initially think about how to start your work searching strategy: Know what type of work you wish to target, such as work fairs that offer work unrelated...
Skills Employers Want
The Conference Board of Canada’s Corporation Council on Education released its Employability Skills Profile in June 1992. The profile lists the critical skills required of the Canadian workforce, as identified by key representatives of 25 major Canadian corporations....
Finding Your Dream Job
No one wants to toil out the majority of their days in a job that pays poorly and from which you derive no sense of joy or satisfaction. Most of us dream of a career in one field or another that allows us to live comfortably and still have a sense of accomplishment...
Fast-Track Career Success With Informational Interviews
Informational interviewing can play a pivotal role in building one's network to assist in penetrating the hidden job market and unadvertised job prospects, but unfortunately is often a tool ignored in a job seeker's career and job search campaign. Informational...
Myths Of A Career Change
Chances are you already have many ideas about what it takes to successfully transition into a new career, even if you have never done it before. Some of those ideas might be useful-- most probably are not. In this article, I would like to expose The Myths of Career...
Importance of Doing Research Before Changing Jobs
Are you currently employed but unhappy with your current job? Whether you are unsatisfied with your current pay level or feel as if you are unable to advance within your company, you may be interested in changing jobs or possibly even careers. If that is the case, you...
What Do Those Interview Questions Really Mean
You have just been through a gruelling interview. The questions were tough, and some just seemed off-the-wall, and some were rather innocent. What was the interviewer seeking? What did s/he mean by those questions? Well, you can be sure that if a seasoned interviewer...
Build Business Relationships and Leads
Starting in any business can be a little anxiety-driven. The initial stage of getting off the ground is always a challenge. There are plenty of ideas out there on how to get new business. One of the best ways to build your business is by fostering relationships with...
Take This Career And Shove IT! – In The Right Direction
Are you listening to that little voice in your head telling you how much you dislike your job? If not, you may become angry with those around you, when in fact, you'll be mad at yourself for failing to take the necessary steps to change your career-- or job within the...
You Have To Stay Positive
What is a positive affirmation? It is a conscious effort to feed your psyche positive, uplifting, or inspiring messages, which will lead to having a positive, uplifting or inspiring life. Sounds good doesn't, it? It's simple to practice, and the benefits are lasting....
Real Secrets To Success
"It's what you discover when you assume you know every little thing that counts the most in life."Basketball Coach John Wooden What's the "secret" behind a successful company owner? They must have a coach. All of us have unseen areas, particularly when it pertains to...
Finding Job Satisfaction
How positive do you feel about your job and your work? Super positive … just great?So, so … not bad?Negative… horrible? It doesn't take anyone long to react to that question. We know whether or not we are happy with our jobs just because we can't escape those feelings...