Some personal variables will impact your reaction to job loss. These include your attitude, your physical, mental and emotional well-being, your ability to problem-solve, and your coping mechanisms. As you read the blog pages on this site, it may be useful for you to examine your characteristics, and consider how they are helping or to hinder your progress about the lay-off.
One final factor that may contribute to the way you respond to the layoff is your perception of your prospects. If you, like so many others, believe that there are no jobs out there, your reaction may be one of devastation. Therefore, it is essential to distinguish between what’s real versus what’s perceived. It may be difficult to be optimistic at a time when layoffs are abounding, and the media has little else to focus on, but take heart; there are opportunities out there.
There’s no denying that the prospects in some occupational fields and some demographic areas are grim, but the key here is to search for and find the opportunities that exist. If you require assistance in this area, resource materials and support services outlined throughout this site.
” At the time, I thought it was the worst thing that could ever happen to me. But, you know, it turned out to be a blessing in disguise.” Mary, 46, director of sales
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