We spend more than forty percent of our waking time at work. If we’re going to spend that much time at work, why not enjoy it? Not just a little bit a whole lot! Having an active approach, outlook, point of view, disposition, inclination, perspective, or whatever you wish to call it, will determine the impact of our future and support us more in the present.
Positive attitudes make work and life more exciting. No matter what we do, beliefs go a long way toward making work a joy or pain. Friendliness, cooperation, and dependability make things easier. Days pass quickly, so our workplaces should be a pleasant place to be. Positive attitudes are an emotional lift that gives an optimistic outlook on life in general.
Being positive helps us thrive while we are on the job, hold on to our jobs (especially when times are tough), transfer to other positions or get promoted. Having a positive approach can help us make our work and private lives more satisfying and can fulfill many of our personal needs.
Being with positive people can make us feel good because their “positiveness” is infectious– for some, we could even say it’s explosive! When we are with these active people, we often feel their energy; there’s excitement in the air. They get us charged up, feeling great and ready to tackle anything. Having a positive outlook makes us more exhilarating and dynamic to be around as well. These positive charges quickly rub off on others. You can have that same positive effect on people.
Being contrary, on the other hand, is an emotional drain that deflates us and those around us. Such attitudes can make us feel unhappy and unfulfilled. Our outlook affects our work and our lives in so many ways, so we need to make our attitudes work for us – not against us.
Not surprisingly, when things are difficult, it might be hard to be positive at all. Dealing with severe problems or situations can make it difficult for us to focus on any activity and often takes away our ability to be positive. By taking a closer look at our circumstance, we may see where and how we could become more confident. And being more positive can help us cope with, and maybe even resolve, those problems.
We develop our attitudes as a result of past experiences since beliefs can change over time with different lessons as we learn new perspectives and discard old ones.
Attitudes affect the way we think, act and feel. Positive attitudes brighten our lives with every colour of the rainbow! Negative attitudes darken our world to gray and black.
The key to developing positives is to practice or merely getting into the habit. The pages contained throughout this website offer some suggestions and tips for creating positives and maintaining them, plus insight into how our core beliefs and values affect our ability to be positive.
As you browse other pages on this site, ask yourself some questions about work and your attitudes toward it, such as:
- Why do I need to work?
- How can I stay active each day in my job?
- Is there such a thing as a dream job?
- Am I getting what I expect from my job?
- How do I cope with stress in the workplace?
- Do I try to balance my life between work and leisure?
Your answers to these questions will reveal a lot about your attitude towards work and life in general. Why not begin now with the question, “Why do I work”? You may be surprised to find there are more reasons for working than you first thought.
Attitude is the mind’s paintbrush; it can color any situation.
© Wordscapes® (David Turner). All Rights Reserved.