Review this list and check all the self-management skills you have. Review the list again and put a second checkmark beside your strengths. Using the Skills Inventory blog on this site, list your self-management skill strengths in the appropriate column. |
Self-Management Skills | ||
____ accepting | ____ entertaining | ____ precise |
____ achieving | ____ enthusiastic | ____ productive |
____ active | ____ expressive | ____ professional |
____ adventurous | ____ fair-minded | ____ quick |
____ affectionate | ____ friendly | ____ rational |
____ ambitious | ____ gentle | ____ realistic |
____ articulate | ____ genuine | ____ reassuring |
____ assertive | ____ good-natured | ____ receptive |
____ attractive | ____ graceful | ____ responsive |
____ caring | ____ happy | ____ self-aware |
____ charismatic | ____ helpful | ____ self-confident |
____ charming | ____ humorous | ____ sensitive |
____ cheerful | ____ imaginative | ____ serious |
____ committed | ____ independent | ____ service-oriented |
____ compassionate | ____ insightful | ____ sincere |
____ confident | ____ intelligent | ____ skillful |
____ congenial | ____ intuitive | ____ sociable |
____ conscientious | ____ knowledgeable | ____ spontaneous |
____ considerate | ____ likeable | ____ steady |
____ cooperative | ____ logical | ____ stimulating |
____ creative | ____ objective | ____ strong |
____ dedicated | ____ open-minded | ____ sympathetic |
____ dependable | ____ optimistic | ____ talented |
____ determined | ____ orderly | ____ thoughtful |
____ disciplined | ____ organized | ____ tolerant |
____ distinctive | ____ original | ____ trusting |
____ dynamic | ____ out-going | ____ truthful |
____ efficient | ____ patient | ____ unique |
____ empathetic | ____ perceptive | ____ unpretentious |
____ encouraging | ____ persistent | ____ vigorous |
____ energetic | ____ persuasive | ____ warm |
____ enterprising | ____ poised |
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