If you encounter a co-worker who is very critical of you, probably the best way to tackle the situation is head-on by discussing the problem with that co-worker. Listen to his or her side of the story. Don’t take anything for granted. This person can provide eye-opening information about his or her behaviour.
Ask the co-worker what the difficulty is or how he or she would handle things differently.
If the co-worker’s complaints are justified, discuss how you both could push for change.
If the complaint is not warranted, give a clear and frank explanation of what problems may arise or what a supervisor may resort to if the co-worker’s behaviour doesn’t change.
If you find yourself in the middle of a situation where two co-workers have a strong dislike for each other, you need to remain as neutral as possible. If you side with one, you hurt not only your relationship with the other but also affect the productivity of the department. Suggest to each of them that they seek help in solving their working relationship problem.
If you feel you’re unfairly treated and harassed by your supervisor, discuss the problem in private with the supervisor as soon as possible. State your feelings openly and frankly. Avoid being personally accusatory or antagonistic. Listen carefully to his or her side of the story. Try to work out a solution that meets the needs of both of you. Then do your best to make sure your actions are in line with the answer.
If the solution doesn’t improve after a few weeks, go to the human resources person or your supervisor’s boss and request a two- or three-way discussion of the problem. State your case to the best of your ability and listen carefully to the others.
If the problem continues, you can lodge a formal complaint with the Human Rights Commission or formally request a transfer; some workplaces are simply just too painful. A day-to-day negative attitude that persists is entirely unhealthy for you and inevitably will destroy your future with the company.
Attitude is a highly personal topic and very tied to your ego. If you tend to be negative, it may not be easy for your boss to talk to you about it. Being negative is usually apparent to others, including your co-workers, and can affect how they work with you.
Invariably your attitude is revealed in how you:
– approach your job
– handle problems
– react to directives
– work with others
It’s understandable the discouragement and frustration you’ll feel when you’re keen on changing jobs but have no luck with your job search, and you keep getting rejection letters. Often this discouragement could affect a job search and can come through in your application letters and meetings.
Let go of your negative feelings as much as possible, and focus on what you can control, not on what you are powerless to change. Be positive about your skills and what you have to offer a new employer.
Depending on your location, there are several places to go for help; don’t hesitate to use them.
It’s easy to get caught up on the “fast track,” You know, climbing the career ladder and receiving numerous promotions through your employment. I guess you could say you’re successful, but at working 80-hour weeks, you no longer have a personal life and possibly no longer enjoy the work you’re doing. What do you do now?
We live in a society where the idea of success is one that glamorizes overwork, over efficiency and exhaustion. Our peers tell us to aim higher, be all that we can be, and conquer any barriers that stand in our way. It’s hard to ignore the super-successful fast-tracker with total control and always doe it all. We must rethink our notion of success to one that includes our needs beyond work.
You may wish to consider some options:
Stay in the same place: by “plateauing,” you turn down the promotions and advancements you don’t want.
Do some backtracking: resist the traditional upward mobility route to take a few steps down the ladder within your organization; this may give you some needed breathing time.
Make a career shift: find more creative and satisfying uses for your talents in a new setting.
Become self-employed: transfer all of your skills to an enterprise where you can define the work you want and set the limits; keep in mind that at first, this can be stressful and very demanding.
If you need some help in establishing some priorities in your life, talk to a professional counsellor.
How we feel affects everything we do. When we’re positive, we’re usually more motivated, energetic and creative in whatever activities we pursue. And we’re generally happy with the results of the attempts have been our best.
Personal career success has worked, learning experiences and opportunities that are truly enjoyable, reflect who we are, and allow us to express ourselves. Being positive is the spark that ignites and fuels that success.
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