Over two million Canadian households have home-based businesses.
Our changing economy has forced many Canadians to turn to self-employment as a way of making a living or adding to their income. If you take a close look at your community, you’ll find hundreds of businesses that people are running from their homes. Almost one in four Canadian households is involved.
Is a home-based business for you?
Starting a home-based business is like starting any other entrepreneurial activity. It’s risky and requires confidence. And it has its particular problems. For example, some people don’t like the isolation of working at home. They prefer a work environment that provides more social interaction. Some must also deal with children and other family members whose school and working hours may conflict with that of their business. And others who work at home find that they can never get away from the “office.” It’s often in the next room!
But home-based businesses also have built-in advantages that may appeal to you. For example, you may already have a hobby or interest that you could turn into a business. You could use your household resources of space and materials to establish your business without incurring massive costs. You may be able to adapt your working hours to your family’s needs and spend more time with your children and relatives. And not commuting to work may save you hours of wasted time.
For some people, a home-based business also means a reduction of stress and overwork. If you’ve wondered about starting a home-based business, now might be the time to take the first step. Small business has become one of the most lucrative sectors of the Canadian economy.
What you can do or dream you can do Begin It!!! Boldness has genius, power, and magic in it– Goethe
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